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今年も名古屋市千種区にある日本庭園揚輝荘でエッグハントを行いました。うさぎの耳を付けてきてくれたお友だちや、見つけた卵を入れるバスケットを準備してきてくれたお友だちもいて、みんなやる気マンマン!卵の中にはキャンディーが入っていて、子供たちは夢中になって卵を探し、かごの中はお菓子でいっぱいになりました♪お菓子が入った卵とは別に、金色の卵を準備し、子どもたちだけではなくお父さんやお母さんも一緒になって探してくれました。子ども達が” Where is the golden egg?” と英語で必死に探す姿が可愛いかったです。金色の卵をゲットできたお友だちはプレゼントをもらって大喜びでした!!!ハッピーイースター🐰

This year’s Snow Hill trip was very fun and exciting for everyone, specially preschool students! We all met up early at Shiroyama Park in Nagoya and caught a tour bus to Komagane Kogen Ski Resort in Nagano. Students and teachers sat together on the bus and had fun chatting, eating brunch and watching the scenery slowly change from buildings, to green, to snow!

Once we arrived in Nagano we all started skiing or sledding with our teachers and special instructors. Some first timers were scared to slide down the big hill by themselves, but the teachers helped them and soon all the children were able go down without assistance.

After spending the day having fun in the snow and making new friends, we were sad to say goodbye. On the bus we enjoyed eating our snacks and many of us fell asleep too!

It was such a fun day and we made many new friends and awesome memories.🐰Congratulations to our winners of the golden eggs!